Making bad copy sound good!

I love advertising. Let me back up and qualify… I love GOOD advertising. Bad ads will send me stomping into the kitchen muttering curses under my breath. I think all businesses can have good ads, even if they are in the middle of nowhere, if they hire good copywriters and art directors.  These are trained creative that are not just trying to complete as many ads in a day as they can but write the words that really sink into the message of the business owner and what they are trying to do.  Why do businesses let themselves be treated this way?

The One Club for Creativity spoiled me and left in me the desire to demand good advertising. As a voice over talent that worked in the industry, I have some talent for writing copy. That can be a good thing and a bad thing. Making bad copy sound good is probably the hardest thing a good voice talent can do. I long for the days that I might have the chops to say when given a script… you can do better than this.  l know LOTS of wonderful creative people that are trained to get the message across and I’ll share that information with anyone that asks.